Friday, June 28, 2019

# I Don't Stand with Ravelry

About six days ago, the yarny goodness world changed when Ravelry decided to put into place a policy that, while claiming to be inclusive, divided many of its members.

Like many other Ravelry users, I was stung to the core. I am a Trump supporter. BUT, I am not a white supremicist which is what Ravelry called me. That hurt. I am 67 years old and in those years I am proud to say that I was and still am a supporter of civil rights.

To classify all Trump supporters as white supremicists is nothing more than a bullying tactic. Ravelry, in effect, is saying "if you don't think like us, you can't be here."

What's even more astounding is that many designers and yarn companies jumped on that idea without even thinking it through. It sounds good to say you are "all inclusive." It's one thing to say Conservatives and Republicans are welcome, but "we, Ravelry, still consider you to be white supremicists." Who wants to be in an environment like that? But those designers and yarn companies who went along with this policy hurt me and many conservatives. What they don't realize is that Ravelry threw them under the bus. That's right. Rav didn't ask what you thought did they? You make some money, some of you make a lot of money by selling your patterns and products through Ravelry. But with so many who have left, do you think you will be selling as much? I doubt it.

As for me, I went through my Instagram account and deleted each and every one who hash tagged support of that policy. If you consider me a white supremicist, based on what someone has bullied you into believing, then you don't get my ability to like or buy anything from you. But so much of this will be invisible to you...sure you will see you have fewer supporters, but you won't feel the financial pinch for awhile maybe. And you won't because you don't follow me, although I and lots of folks follow you. Because you don't follow me, you don't know the beautiful things I create with some of your products unless I happen to use a hashtag to let you know. It's been a one-way street. Now I'm off that street and you are none the wiser.

All my life I've heard sentiments expressed that go something like this: "these guys running for office are just nothing but politicians and I don't like it." Well, that's why so many people DO support Trump. He is anything but a politician, and now folks don't like it. They say he uses bad language, but so do many liberals. They say his behavior is atrocious, but I see a lot of very mean behavior by liberals in the streets of the USA. Do I think our President is perfect? Absolutely not. But he is a tough guy who is willing to go against the tide of those who think that everything liberal is good.