Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Not obsessed, no really, I'm not, promise

Last night I spent way too much time frogging back on my preemie baby blanket. I did not see the mistake until I had several inches of knitting done, so I just ripped it out and started from where I made the mistake. I'm wondering if others do this as a matter of course. I mean, if it's a small mistake and you've really knitted too far past it, would you go back? In my case, it was a mistake that stuck out like a sore thumb and I could kick myself because I did not look at my work closely enough or often enough to catch it, which leads me to my next question--How many knitters out there look at their work closely? Do you review it every row, or every two rows or not at all? I guess I'm just wondering about how often it is that knitters go back and "refine" (ahem) their work. It probably depends on our basic nature--perfectionists will probably be reviewing their knitting constantly where others may tend to be more lax. But, aye, here's the rub--I am a perfectionist type but tend to not see my knitting mistakes, and I admit I don't look at my work as often as I should. I think I may become mesmerized (or meditative, if you prefer) and forget when I last looked. OK, this is beginning to sound like I'm obsessed, and I'm really not. It's just a question out there for you to think about and respond to.


Anonymous said...

I can't can't CAN'T leave mistakes in my work. It drives me insane. The day I figured out that I could drop down to a mistake, correct it, and pick the stitches back up with a crochet hook was probably one of the happiest moments of my life. Much better than frogging. Although I've yet to figure out how to correct a mistake in lace knitting without frogging.

I'm the same as you. I'm a perfectionist, but I don't pay as much attention as I should sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I don't frog unless it's project ending or if my stitch counts are off and I can't find the mistake. I do tink if I catch the error within a row.

I don't watch what I'm doing. If I really think about it I slow down and have lots of trouble with tension changes. If I think about something else while I'm knitting, I get an even tension and knit faster.

DaleMarie said...

If it's a small mistake nobody will notice except me, and I've gone too far past it, I'll just leave it. Knowing it's there does bother me, though, because I'd rather do perfect work, of course. But I've been trying to not let mistakes bother me as much.

Holly said...

I am a perfectionist. I once gave a sweater to my sis with a mistake that I only I would notice. Every time I see that sweater I see it and am mad I didn't fix it. I now check every row or two to make sure I am right. I have tried to relax about it but it really bothers me knowing something is wrong. Like you said I think it is all in our nature.