Today finds us tying up loose ends, literally. The loose ends to my latest pillow design, that is. This is a very simple design of stripes in stockinette with ribbed edging. For visual contrast and accent, I found these beautiful handmade buttons of green and appropriate for a pillow with red and green striping! I have only woven in the very few ends there were, and I say few because I carried the color up the side rather than adding on each color as I came to each stripe. That saved so much work, and I'm all about simplicity. Nice clean lines. This pillow reflects my personality, I think. Steady with a bit of spice for interest. Now I just need to sew the panels together and soon my lovelies, you will see the end result.

It's kind of sad and wonderful at the same time, "bittersweet" I suppose is the best word, to describe that feeling when you have just about completed a project. Me thinks the real fun is choosing and starting and knitting the actual project and although I do love the sense of accomplishment when it's done....I hate to see some of my projects end.
When I can come to terms with the end of this project, I will post photos. I think I must go sit and ponder this.
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